Saturday, November 13, 2010

Never give up

Sometimes in life there have to be changes. Sometimes there has to be sacrifices. The only thing that stays the same is that change is inevitable if you dwell on the change and throw yourself a pity party you will be the only one attending. Everyone has problems, everyone lives life differently. The interesting thing about decisions is that they need to be made and they cannot be changed. The only thing you can do is accept the decisions you make, whether they are good or bad, they are still decisions. Some make you incredibly happy and feel very good. Some decisions end in tragedy and heart ache. The good news is that no circumstance is permanent, they are only temporary, and a new decision leads to a new circumstance. The only way to totally fail in life is to quit making decisions. There are many people in this world that after they make too many wrong decisions, they just give up, they concede, they accept the temporary circumstance as a permanent. Don't be that person. Don't stop making decisions, don't give up on life. The best news of all is that as long as we are still alive we still have a chance to make new choices. We still have a chance to decide differently. I know it's cliche but the saying is true, if life hands you lemons, make lemonade! All decisions don't have to be huge or monumental, they can be small and simple. As long as they are in the right direction, they are worth making. Baby steps are still steps, they lead to an end goal. The decisions you make today will always effect your tomorrow, and if they are still the wrong ones, you will have another chance to make new one's. Thus is that quirky thing we call life, thus is the foundation of human existence. Man has been making decisions since the dawn of time. If they hadn't there would be no such thing as war, serial killing, or the holocaust. On the other side of the double edged sword there would never have been society, democracy, or even organized religion. Its not always the right decision but a new opportunity arises from every decision. Life is too short to be indecisive, life is too short to hold a grunge against any decision. To dwell on mistakes is to sentence yourself to a life of torment and despair. Live a life dedicated to making a difference, to making decisions that improve you circumstance, that make the world a better place for those around you and the end result is bound to be a fulfilling life. Never stop deciding, never give up. Never stop chasing happiness.